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3D Animation

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3D Animation

by Russell
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I love the work that animation makes possible with imagination and the right tools you can create your own worlds and characters.

Not all of us who enjoy the art of making video can claim to be craftsmen and have been chiseled out of the bedrock of  the box Brownie image capture history.

It is the ability to move into the storytelling and capture of images and events easily using tools available that make it possible for more people to express their imagination and share a creativity that may have lay dormant.

You do not have to be the next Spielberg or produce epic content to express your creative imagination and to tell a story in a visual medium.

[svpVideo v=1]

[svpVideoReveal1 v=1]I thought this was well done it has taken the collaboration of  various talents to produce something that the creator stated was a concept he never stopped believing in[/svpVideoReveal1]



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