Video production for fun and profit
Stockcasting Videos
Okay so what is stockcasting ? As Dave Kaminski at web video university says “StockCasting videos are a different animal than “traditional” web video. There are specific rules you MUST follow. There are specific techniques you MUST use. There are specific ingredients you MUST include.” I am not sure if David made the name up, as there is not a lot of references to the term when you ask ol mate Google. It is a cool way of getting content together and making up an interesting video without a lot of hassles that go along with lighting, setup, talent and […]
Article Video Robot
I started using this program a while ago and even though it had great video and music it was hard to get the voice to sound anything like a human which tended to turn people off. When using article video robot to transcribe a large article to video it was a lot of work. Especially if you wanted the voice to sound reasonable. I was recently contacted to try it out again so I will get back to you with an update.
Kaltura Video Hosting
I have been looking at what options are available for video delivery platforms working through what Kaltura is offering and seeing where it fits for a video marketing strategy [imaioVideo v=1] Mobile & HTML5 Video Player With the huge rise in video consumption on mobile devices, it’s important to find a solution that’s both easy to manage and flawless for viewers. We make it easy with mobile-ready encoding flavors, seamless device detection, customizable players, and built in support for advertising, analytics, and subtitles. Our HTML5 video library provides you with the most advanced mobile delivery technology stack available today. Device […]
Video killed the Social Media Stars
Okay so I am having fun here but when I see a great parody video such as this, it reinforces to me the absolute power of video to get across a story. This is what you should me remembering when you are putting together a message, no matter if it is a commercial message or a fun thing you want to share on somebodies facebook wall. if you have a fun quick video added to it and is relevent enough to get some sort of reaction you will get your message accross. You cannot do that in 140 characters with […]